Pride and Persistence ~ book discussion
Local author, Joe Chianakas, will be joining us as we discuss the 2nd book in
Lincoln Branch
1312 W. Lincoln Ave.
Peoria, IL 61605
United States
McClure Branch
315 W. McClure Ave.
Peoria, IL 61604
United States
North Branch
3001 W. Grand Parkway
Peoria, IL 61615
United States
Local author, Joe Chianakas, will be joining us as we discuss the 2nd book in
Have you ever wanted to learn how to braid? If so, attend this interactive hair braiding workshop where skilled braiding expert Lacy Simmons will guide you through the techniques of creating fabulous braids and share some tips.
Join us on the last Saturday of the month* for Film Club! We will open the doors at 3 and start the movie at 3:15pm. We will watch the film of the month and leave room to discuss afterwards.